Our work

The ability of fiber-optic to transmit large volumes of information at the speed of light has revolutionized the communications industry and beyond.

Among the advantages of fiber-optic we mention:

  • reduced size and weight
  • a very large bandwidth
  • immunity to electromagnetic radiation or radio interference
  • it can be used in explosive or industrial environments without fire danger
  • stable performance over time

The flexibility and stability of fiber-optic are key qualities underlying the development of high-speed networks for IT and telecommunications infrastructure.

A fibre-optic installation project is a major undertaking. 

Responsibility for the management of the project and delivering the accomplished project, from detailed implementation plans to community relations, ensuring the team and all the materials to safety and environmental concerns, means an intense amount of work and ongoing coordination.

A fiber-optic installation project includes the following steps:

  • taking all labor protection measures as well as road signs corresponding to the works to be executed
  • cleaning and releasing the site
  • excavation works involving the execution of ditches
  • breaking the concrete or asphalt on the respective portion
  • removal of existing pavements (cubic stone, asphalt)
  • mechanized ditch digging
  • preparing the fiber-optic for installation
  • installation
  • covering the pipes with a protective layer and then the trench with filling material
  • restoring the land to its original state

We deliver fiber-optic projects in a safe and responsible manner according to our client’s standards.